On the 30th May 2018 Buildcorp Foundation Chair Josephine Sukkar AM delivered the Foundation’s 2018 donation to Lifeline Australia, comprising $150,000 to boost their support services and a further $50,000 to train more male counsellors.
This $200,000 donation brings the Foundation’s four-year Lifeline donation total up to $600,000. The Foundation is also looking to invest $1million in residual funds into a project supporting mental health and suicide prevention.
Josephine Sukkar said: “It was Buildcorp’s people who first directed us to support mental health and suicide prevention in 2015 and in our view it remains the biggest issue facing the construction industry. Men are three times more likely to take their own lives and suicide claims the lives of six men in Australia every day.
“For all of these reasons, the Buildcorp Foundation has increased our donation to Lifeline this year to include an additional $50,000 to train more male counsellors. Studies show that male helpseekers respond better to male counsellors and it’s important that we make it affordable and accessible for more men to undertake the training and volunteer their time to support others.”