The Buildcorp Foundation hosted their fifth fundraiser gala evening on Saturday 10 March 2018 in support of mental health and suicide prevention.
Thanks to the support of many of Buildcorp staff, contractors, suppliers and clients, over $500,000 was raised at the event. Since 2012 the Foundation has used ‘The Party’ to bring together partners from Buildcorp’s construction, business and rugby communities to raise funds for a good cause. Mental health and suicide prevention has been the nominated cause for the last four years and as at 2018, the Foundation’s donations to Lifeline Australia will reach a total of $600,000.
Buildcorp Foundation Chair Josephine Sukkar AM said: “We are so very grateful for the generosity of our supporters has helped us raise over $500,000 this past week. We have many people to thank, including sponsors whose support ensures every dollar raised at our events goes directly to the Foundation. We are also grateful for the hundreds of other contributors who donate prizes, funds, their time and spend big on the night to help the Buildcorp Foundation collectively give more for mental health and suicide prevention.
The single biggest cause of death of Australian men aged between 16 and 44 years of age is suicide. And this risk doubles if those men work on construction sites. It is for this reason, the Foundation will continue to donate to Lifeline Australia and will soon invest $1m in a community project supporting this cause.”
View the event film here: